You hear 'em? my diskoballz are pumpin like heart beats.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

will i be ABLE to do it? thousand sighs.

By 18
i am gonna quit associating with cigarrettes, drugs, pornography, vulgarities, criticism, lethargy, rapacity, anger, jealousy, deception, egoism, vanity, insolence, lacking of, something which everyone else are afraid of: sorrow, resentment & melancholy.

By 18
Attend any Lady Gaga's Concerts in SG, MY or Indo.(If there's any.)
Visit to Okinawa, Japan by myself for a week.. (: love spending time alone :)
Have a job which i have total interest in.
Transform my room completely.
Work for my own allowance (:
desired tattoos & piercings to be done.
semi-permanent eyebrow & eyeliner embroidery!
skate till my feet shrink till size 7, I'LL BE SO HAPPY!
MACBOOK PRO, MUST HAVE. or any notebooks upgraded by apple.
improve tolerance for liquor.
VISIT TO GENTING FOR ONCE?! HAHAHA with friends preferably ^^
get a pink acoustic guitar and pink ukelele! + a sanshin(an okinawan instrument)! WEEEEH!:D
): a cheap roland's keyboard will do right?
better skin and hair hehehe.

this is miyako-jima, my granddad's hometown (:

this is the sanshin. i miss playing it!

do you know how sad it is to see photo albums not filled completely when you need it the most? i've got more than enough pictures of me when i was very young. but my very last photo album i had was filled with my pictures in okinawa 03', last birthday outing with my parents 02', disney on ice 03' and thats all the recent ones i have with the family. the rest were blank pockets with blank nothings. through these years, i've taught myself to be strong and to handle all of the sadness by myself. i should be proud of myself because i am pretty much not affected by all the problems than if it were for others. i have to continue to be strong of course, i've got more to go through single handedly as time goes by. i promise my future children that they wouldnt end up like me living in an unhappy home or whatever else torturing enough. no matter what, i'll still have to thank my parents, for bringing me here to this world of cruelty, but yet somewhere i can learn from my experiences and be harder better faster stronger. peace homies..

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